‘Solar Desk Timepieces: The introduction of Patek Philippe Light-Wound' clocks’
On February 13th, 2021 Charlie Dunne wrote for Collectability about photoelectric Patek Philippe timepieces.
You can read the full article ‘Solar Desk Timepieces: The introduction of Patek Philippe Light-Wound' clocks on Collectability.
“Some of the earliest examples shown in advertisements from the Basel Fair of 1952 highlight the clock’s ability to “run for 24 hours from energy drawn from [only] one hour’s exposure to light”. The American market was captivated by the new technology. The launch was celebrated by a US tour, and the timepieces were displayed at prestigious venues such as the Museum of Science in Boston, Massachusetts. In addition to being showcased throughout the United States, the photoelectric timepieces were recognized with their own exhibit at the World Symposium on Applied Solar Energy in Phoenix, Arizona of 1955.”
Images from Collectability.